$12,500 JMD
1 Retouch Image
1 Outfits
1 Background
1 Concept
30 Minutes

$17,500 JMD
2 Retouch Images
2 Outfits (Optional)
2 Backgrounds (Optional)
2 Concept (Optional)
60 Minutes
$40,000 JMD
5 Retouch Images
4 Outfits (Optional)
4 Backgrounds (Optional)
4 Concept (Optional)
Personal Assistant
180 Minutes Session

Free Delivery
Your estimated delivery time begins 24 hours after you have completed selecting your images (Selection Process).
Estimated delivery time for FREE DELIVERY are subject to change by an increase of up to 3 working days without notice due to peak seasons, or high delivery volume.
Image Turnover
Image turnover is calculated by using the number of working days it takes to delivery the images after 24 hours has elapsed from the selection process. It is important to note that Holidays and weekends are excluded from the the number of working days it takes to delivery your images.
Estimated Delivery time based on general packages:
Essential - 24 Hours
Professional - 24 Hours
Executive - 3 Working Days
Late Fee & Cancellation Policy
Individuals who are more than 20 minutes late to their session will be charged a late fee of $1500 for every 15 minutes that elapses until arrival. Late fee charges begins at the 20 minutes mark after your designated session time has begun and ends after 50 minutes of your session time has elapsed, which results in an AUTOMATIC CANCELLATION.
Late fee is due upon arrival. Failure to pay the late will result in one of these two penalties:
1. Automatic Cancellation.
2. Reduction in the number of images delivered.
To avoid late fee penalties and charges being applied to your session please ensure that you arrive on time.